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      Post-nuclear-war dramas centering on a small group of survivors now constitute an entire genre in science-fiction films. All of them, in some way or another, can be traced back to this seminal film from 1951 in which five people deal with the possibility they are the only human beings left alive on the planet.  While most of the later movies exploited this possibility for B-movie thrills, "Five" adopts a quiet, contemplative tone which some may find dull but which thoughtful viewers are more likely to find, for want of a better word, haunting. There is something about this movie which gets under the skin and which lurks in the corners of the mind long after it's over.


    • HD 潘多拉的世界 西格妮·韦弗
    • HD 神奇旅程 史蒂芬·博伊德,拉蔻儿·薇芝,艾德蒙·奥布莱恩,唐纳德·普利森斯,阿瑟·奥康纳,威廉·雷德菲尔德,阿瑟·肯尼迪,让·德尔瓦尔,巴里·科,肯·斯科特,谢尔比·格兰特,詹姆斯·布洛林,布伦丹·菲茨杰拉德
    • HD 怪物大乱捣 Ethan Daniel Corbett,蜜雪儿·鲍尔,Emma Reinagel
    • HD 世界奇妙物语 2018年春季特别篇 三浦春马,白石麻衣,仓科加奈,唐泽寿明,升毅,佐久间由衣
    • HD 未知的恐惧 约翰·卡朋特 John Carpenter,玛拉·鲍尔斯,保罗·理查兹,梅·温,杰拉尔德·米尔顿,Duane Grey,Richard Gilden,马丁·加拉拉加,Patrick O'Moore,William Hamel,Charles H. Gray,Charles Postal,兰斯洛特爵士
    • HD 来自孤寂世的笔记 其它科幻片

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