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      根据《亡者之谜》作者Sammon另一本小说"อิ่มเอื้อIsReal”改编  《厨艺大师》亚军的华大厨依然无法一步登天成为第一大厨。他每天都感觉好像少了什么东西,因此无法改进他的烹饪。然而,有一天他点了外卖,他万万没想到,自己缺的东西会在一个正常的送货员身上被发现,这个送货员隐藏着常人所不具备的非凡技能的能力。  Chef Ua, the second runner-up of The Chef Master, is still not able to step up to be the number one chef. He spends every day feeling as though there is something missing and as a result, is unable to improve his cooking. However, one day when he ordered a delivery, he never imagined that what he was missing would be discovered in a normal delivery boy who hides the ability of extraordinary skills that normal people wouldn’t have.


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    • 更新至第08集 启动了(泰版) 萨朋·阿萨瓦蒙空,葵咪莎拉·普碟,普姆帕特·伊安查芒,雅拉查芃·普金帕可,塔雷·萨古安迪坤
    • 更新至04集 篮情球爱 尼措空·卡琼伯利叻,克里塔农·安查纳南,纳曼·克里塔尼·阿桑普拉杰,塔纳萨兰·萨姆通莱,纳查侬·甘平,齐纳吾·英塔拉库辛,Earth Nanthawat Phaiboonphattana,Boss Wasupol Panyalertprapha,VJ Nopparoot Tanthanawikrai,Perth Napat Rueangchaisiwawet,Bom Panupong Janchai,帕斯·帕特查拉邦,塔诵·格琳纽慕

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