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      When school teacher Harriet Winslow goes to Mexico to teach, she is kidnapped by Gen. Tomas Arroyo and his revolutionaries. An aging American, Ambrose "Old Gringo" Bierce also in Mexico, befriends Gen. Arroyo and meets Harriet. Bierce is a famous writer, who knowing that he is dying, wishes to keep his identity secret so he can determine his own fate. Though he likes Arroyo, Bierce tries to provoke the General's anger whenever possible in an attempt to get himself killed, thus avoiding suffering through his illness. Winslow is intrigued by both Bierce and Arroyo, and the men are in turn attracted to her. She becomes romantically involved with Arroyo. When Winslow learns of Bierce's true identity (a writer whose work she has loved and respected for years), she is singlemindedly determined to fulfill his dying wish.


    • HD 心有千千结 甄珍,秦祥林,葛香亭,朱磊,王宇,张冰玉,紫兰,武家麒,高明,周少卿,胡立武,严重,蔡慧华,陶述,葉雯,王晓海
    • HD 坠入爱河 珍妮·克雷恩,达纳·安德鲁斯,迪克·海默斯
    • HD 橙味爱情 苗译文,程枫,魏大鸣,王霜
    • HD 恋文 森雅之,久我美子,夏川静江,宇野重吉,关千惠子,安西乡子,高野由美,花冈菊子,久保菜穗子,三原叶子,田中绢代,花井兰子,香川京子,井川邦子,矶野秋雄,出云八重子,笠智众,冈村文子,高田稔,坪内美子,月丘梦路,中北千枝子,七尾伶子,安部彻,泽村贞子,佐野周二,清川玉枝,北原文枝,三井弘次
    • HD人工中字 梦境 汤唯,裴秀智,朴宝剑,郑有美,崔宇植,孔刘,鲍起静,崔武成
    • HD 放学后失眠的你 真人版 森七菜,奥平大兼,樱井由纪,萩原实里,上村海成,永濑莉子,安齐星来,川崎帆々花,工藤遥,齐藤阳一郎,Megumi,田畑智子,绪方义博,萩原圣人

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